Category / Led /

2 x CAME-TV 1806B Bi-Colour LED Panel

19 Reviews / 5.0
£60 per day

Item description

The CAME-TV Ultra Slim LED 1806B Bi-Colour LED Panel is a lightweight, portable, and affordable lighting solution. The Bi-Color LED bulbs provide a color range from 3200K to 5600K allowing for creating custom colors to match the environment or creating a targeted look. Plus, all units come with a built-in dimmer that gives you complete control over the brightness of your lighting setup.

2 x very large LED lights, bi-colour balanced. Very high CRI value (97) and power output (roughly equivalent to a 2K each) Very soft, nice, even light, and very slim panels, so can easily be used in lots of situations.

With some diffusion they feel and look just like a Kino 4ft 2 bank, but MUCH lighter. Also, come with mains power for both, but they can also be powered by standard V-lock batteries if needed (2 batteries required for each)

2 x Large CAME-TV slim LED daylight panels Mains cable power for each
2 x Barn doors
2 x Softbox
2 x Tripods
1 x Bag


Collection from WeWork, 15 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 3AR



19 Reviews / 5.0

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